Suntrust Bounces Forward with Its Sales Team During 2nd Quarter Awards
October 26, 2020

Suntrust Properties, Inc. (SPI) continues to stay true to its promise of providing quality and affordably priced homes for every Filipino. Even amid global challenges, the company continues to rise and thrive in its field. A proof of this resilience is another successful quarter for the real estate developer, and playing a major part in this success are its sellers, fondly called “Suntrustees”.
Suntrust once again celebrated another milestone for the company through a Digital platform. Led by the theme “Bounce Forward and Take the Lead”, the Suntrustees’ incredible resilience to withstand the changes of the new normal and their indestructible faith to steer their way back to success have both been recognized and celebrated in this virtual ceremony.
“Your mindset will dictate your path. If you wallow in negative thoughts you will find yourselves depressed and defeated. However, if you keep a positive mindset, you will bounce forward and focus on winning”, shared Ms. Deanna Jean Claveria, the company’s EVP-COO, encouraging Suntrustees that the secret to a positive result is a positive way of thinking.
Suntrust EVP - COO, Ms. Deanna Jean Claveria
“We shouldn’t let our minds be trapped by negative thoughts. We must always fill our hearts with gratitude over little things,” she added.
Suntrust’s first vice president for Sales, Marketing and Training Mr. Jerry Rubis, on the other hand, expressed his joy over the success of his team amid these trying times. “Last month, I saw in the sales report that a certain group achieved a record-high level of sales through online platforms. A lot of people say it’s ultimately difficult to thrive in this new normal but Suntrustees prove them otherwise. I am very delighted because after seven months of lockdown, we’re here now, using what we have learned during the first two months of the pandemic”, Mr. Rubis enthused.
Suntrust’s first vice president for Sales, Marketing and Training Mr. Jerry Rubis
Mr. Rubis shared that this quarter’s theme was inspired by the latest public webinar of Francis J. Kong entitled “Bounce Back and Take The Lead”. Yet this time, after bouncing back, they have started the journey of moving forward.
Company president Atty. Harry M. Paltongan congratulated and offered his gratitude to all the awardees and all the Suntrustees who have produced sales for the previous quarter, appreciating everyone’s efforts especially during these hard times.
Moreover, he reminded everyone the importance of building relationships and staying socially connected, even digitally. “The pandemic has been here for seven months, and sometimes we lose connection, we lose interest as we couldn’t see how or when this challenge is going to end. We should remain connected. Make sure that everyday you message somebody, especially your sales team. Say hi to them, a simple ‘how are you doing?’ will make you feel connected again. This is the danger of physical distancing, we lose connection. So we have to maintain ‘physical’ distancing but our social connection should still remain,” advised Atty. Paltongan.
Company president Atty. Harry M. Paltongan
Apart from that, he reiterated the importance of keeping a positive mindset even amidst today’s challenges. “If you do something, even a little act, and it makes you happy, it contributes to your emotional well being. When you love something, it gives you motivation. The act of doing what you love is the motivation itself. The same goes with selling, if you are in love with selling, then just doing it is the motivation itself,” he added.
The ceremony may have been virtual but the deserving winners did not end the celebration empty handed. Among the rewards are plaques and certificates, brand new phones, sets of headphones, tablets, digital execution budget, and copious sacks of rice, rewarding every inch of hard work.
Suntrust’s aim to achieve dreams of hundreds of thousands of Filipino families continues and is made alive by its Suntrustees. They once again proved that despite any challenge, a Suntrustee’s true mark is soaring above and bouncing forward to a brighter future ahead.
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