Suntrust Shines Brighter on Its Silver Year
November 14, 2022

Suntrust Properties Inc. concluded its 25th year celebration with a fun golf game. This was after a series of charities in various areas, spiced by employee sports festival.
On Nov. 14, this trusted developer gave its employees and sales an opportunity to experience the renowned Sherwood Hills Golf course. To prepare for this, no less than its president, Atty. Harrison M. Paltongan and its other officers and managers, diligently coached and trained the Suntrustees about the rudiments of the game at the driving range weeks before the event.
A day of festivities
Suntrust employees and executives were treated to a hearty breakfast followed by an orientation on the set of activities throughout the day. Later on, everyone gathered to watch the performances from the cheer dance competition and prepared themselves for the much awaited golf tournament.
The whole day event was packed with sumptuous meals and fun activities. The afternoon program started with an invocation led by first vice president for Sales and Marketing Jerry R. Rubis. Senior vice president Atty. Basilio C. Almazan, then kicked off the program with his welcome remarks, highlighting the company’s best kept secret to longevity and success: its employees.
“The company’s success is never about one person alone, it’s about all of us…We are still here, strong, and united because we are a family, a team. We have the resilience to overcome any challenges that may come our way. Whether financially, economically, health-wise or whatever, we can endure all these because we are a team,” Almazan said.
“Always remember that you are the key to our success. We are all the secrets of Suntrust and we should take pride in that,” he concluded.
Right after Almazan’s message, an awarding ceremony took place for the winners of the golf tournament and cheer dance competition. The executive committee participated in a special game that made all the employees ecstatic.
Suntrust Cares
Later in that day, Suntrust also honored its employees for successfully completing the “8 Rays of Suntrust,” a series of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives organized by its employees with the help of the company’s business partners, contractors and sales. For years, Suntrust has been active in launching csr activities to strengthen its commitment to provide support among various communities nationwide.
25 years and beyond
In a video message, Megaworld Corp. chief operating officer Lourdes T. Gutierrez-Alfonso meanwhile applauded the Suntrustees’ resilience, commitment and passion in pushing through the past crises and upheavals that impacted sales and collection.
“What it did not affect was your purpose and passion. You were committed to doing your best amid the influx of challenges. You were steadfast in working for the good of the company and never lost hope when the market situation seemed disheartening,” she said.
Suntrust chairman Dr. Andrew L. Tan also addressed SPI employees in another video message, praising them for remaining resilient amidst trying times for the past two years in the COVID-19 pandemic. “I have seen how Suntrust has grown and evolved through the years. I am confident that you are continuing on the right path,” he said.
Tan, then, recalled how SPI is no stranger to overcoming obstacles, as the company began during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and faced different setbacks like the 2010 global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, but emphasized that the real estate company is still here rising from various successes.
“Suntrust is still here, going strong and celebrating its silver anniversary. That is truly something to be grateful for and as part of the Megaworld company, the journey of Suntrust closely resembles that of Megaworld which was established during trying times in our country’s history,” he looked back. “We have been able to rise above various difficulties across different industries. The entire group has a strong foundation and, together, we have the momentum that will drive us forward during those post-pandemic times.”
Life lessons from golf
The anniversary wall was then officially unveiled, showcasing all painted hand prints of employees and sales Suntrustees depicting how everyone is an important catalyst that has brought the company to where it is today.
To conclude the silver anniversary celebration, Atty Paltongan shared how the principles and values of golf can also be applied to Suntrustees’ work and personal lives. The game, he said, highlighted the importance of having that vision “to create something out of nothing, to create success out of failure. The game requires so much diligence and patience. A real golfer never gives up playing and learning even if he keeps going to the hazards or out of bounds. And so with our lives. “
“If you belong to a team, you need to prepare harder so you can contribute. You need to trust your team so you can give your all. It is the same as in our work. You must be an asset,” Paltongan said. “It should not be enough that you belong to a company. It should not be enough that you are living your life. It must have a purpose which is to contribute - to share,” Paltongan added.
The company president recognizes the valuable contributions of its employees and sales Suntrustees, especially during the pandemic, and how they take to heart the company’s core value of ‘malasakit,’ part of which is to give and inspire others.
“One must always remember that charity is a privilege. I am hoping that through ‘8 Rays of Suntrust,” you were able to realize that charity giving is a privilege that not everyone can afford. Not everyone can buy a candle that could light (a) path for others, but together we were able to do it,” Paltongan added.
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